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Python versions

Flipy suports Python 3.6 and newer.


Flipy does not require any third party packages. However, to solve a linear programming problem, a linear solver is required.

Flipy currently supports Gurobi and CBC as the backend solver.

  1. CBC: Flipy comes with a CBC solver so you don't have to do anything. However, if you want to user a different version of CBC, please set the environment variable CBC_SOLVER_BIN to the designated CBC solver executable.
  2. Gurobi: To use Gurobi, make sure you have a valid Gurobi license file, and gurobipy is installed in your Python environment. You can find details from Gurobi's documentation.


The latest offical version of Flipy can be installed with pip:

pip install flipy

The latest development version can be get with Git.

git clone
cd flipy
python install